Complete Listing of Entomology Publications
- Selecting A Termite Control Service (Web |
- Termite Control (Web |
- Fly Control Around the Home (Web |
- Fleas (Web |
- Mimosa Webworm (Web |
- European Corn Borer in Field Corn
- Clothes Moths and Carpet Beetles (Web |
- Managing Insects In The Home Vegetable Garden (Web |
- Ants (Web |
- Cockroaches (Web |
- Boxelder Bugs (Web |
- The Elm Leaf Beetle (Web |
- Mosquitoes In and Around The Home (Web |
- Bagworms (Web |
- Scale Insects on Shade Trees and Shrubs (Web |
- Cucurbit Insect Management (Web |
- Corn Earworm (Web |
- Chiggers (Web |
- Insect Pests of Home Stored Foods
- Managing The Zimmerman Pine Moth (Web |
- Spider Mites on Ornamentals (Web |
- Social Bees and Wasps (Web |
- Slugs in Homes, Gardens, and Greenhouse (Web |
- Periodical Cicada of Indiana (Web |
- Bronze Birch Borer (Web |
- Community-Wide Mosquito Management (Web |
- Protecting Honey Bees from Pesticides (Web |
- Millipedes, Sowbugs, Pillbugs (Web |
- Galls on Shade Trees, and Shrubs (Web |
- Clover Mites in the Home (Web |
- Integrated Management of Turfgrass Insects (Web |
- Solitary Bees and Wasps: Carpenter Bee, Cicada Killer, and Mud Daubers (Web |
- Vegetable Insects Identification
- Stored Grain Insect Pest Management
- Insects in Firewood (Web |
- Flower Garden Pests (Web |
- Ticks (Web |
- Spiders (Web |
- Powder Post Beetles (Web |
- Flea Beetles (Web |
- Japanese Beetles in the Urban Landscape (Web |
- Soybean Insect Control Recommendations (Web |
- Principal Stored Grain Insects of Indiana
- Managing Striped Cucumber Beetle Populations on Cantaloupe and Watermelon (Web |
- Managing Insect Pests of Potato (Web |
- Management of Insect Pests on Fresh Market Tomatoes (Web |
- Managing Insects in Commercially Grown Sweet Corn (Web |
- Managing Insects Pests of Commercially Grown Crucifers (Web |
- Western Flower Thrips
- Fungus Gnats and Shore Flies (Web |
- What Beekeepers Should Know About Bee Mites (Web |
- Soybean Cyst Nematode (Web |
- Developing an Integrated Pest Management Program for Nurseries
- Asian Lady Beetle (Web |
- Needle Nematode (Web |
- Soybean Aphid
- Corn Insect Control Recommendations (Web |
- Alfalfa Insect Control Recommendations (Web |
- Grain Mite (Web |
- Indianmeal Moth (Web |
- Red and Confused Flour Beetles (Web |
- Parasitic Wasps (Web |
- Hairy Fungus Beetle (Web |
- Rusty, Flat, and Flour Mill Beetle (Web |
- Sawtoothed Grain Beetle (Web |
- Driedfruit Beetle (Web |
- Warehouse Beetle (Web |
- Pirate Bugs (Web |
- Foreign Grain Beetle (Web |
- Small Flies (Web |
- Filth Flies (Web |
- Nuisance Flies (Web |
- Angoumois Grain Moth (Web |
- Rice, Granary, and Maize Weevils (Web |
- Lesser Grain Borer (Web |
- Cigarette Beetle (Web |
- West Nile Virus in Indiana
- A Practical Guide to Cockroach Control in Multi-Family Housing Units ( Web |
- The Biology and Medical Importance of Mosquitoes in Indiana
- The Biology and Medical Importance of Ticks in Indiana
- Lyme Disease
- Human Lice: Biology and Public Health (Web |
- Horse and Deer Flies: Biology and Public Health Risk (Web |
- Fleas: Biology and Public Health Risk
- Stinging Insects and Medical Risk
- Bed Bugs: Biology and Public Health Risk
- Biting Midges: Biology and Public Health Risk
- Black Flies: Biology and Public Health Risk
- Carpenter Bees (Web |
- Mud Daubers (Web |
- Cicada Killers (Web |
- Fall Webworm (Web |
- Borers of Pines and Other Needle Bearing Evergreens in Landscape (Web |
- European Red Mite Management (Web |
- How To Minimize Pesticide Risks to Honey Bees (Web |
- A Practical Guide to Bed Bug Prevention and Control For Property Managers and Tenants in Multi-Family Housing Units ( Web |
- Purdue Improved Cowpea Storage (PICS) Technology
- Purdue Improved Crop Storage (PICS) Bag: Size Matters
- Using and Recycling Purdue Improved Crop Storage (PICS) Bags
- A Guide on the Use of PICS Bags for Grain Storage
- Managing Billbugs in Turfgrass (Web |
- Protecting Pollinators from Insecticide (Web |
- The Effectiveness of Neonicotinoid Seed Treatments in Soybean (Web |
- Managing Black Cutworms in Turfgrass (Web |
- Managing White Grubs in Turfgrass (Web |
- Ticks 101: A Quick Start Guide to Indiana Tick Vectors (Web |
- Brown Marmorated Stink Bug in Homes (Web |
- Quick Tips For Managing Important Insect Pests Of Fruit Trees In Indiana (Web |
- Management Strategies For Common Arthropod Pests Of Greenhouse Hemp In Indiana (Web |
- Black Soldier Fly Composting Guide (Web |
- Methods of Introducing Queens (Web |
- Asian Jumping Worm: A Threat to Healthy Landscapes (Web |
- Biology and Management of Asiatic Garden Beetle In Indiana Mint Production (Web |
- Protecting Pollinators in Home Lawns and Landscapes (Web |
- Protecting Pollinators in Fruit and Vegetable Production (Web |
- Protecting Pollinators Tips for Commercial Agricultural Pesticide Applicators (Web|
- Protecting Pollinators in Agronomic Crop Production (Web |
- Best Management Practices for Indiana Pollinator Habitat (Web |
- Recommended Indiana-Native Plants for Attracting Pollinators (Web |
- Why Should We Care About Pollinators? (Web |
- Biology and Control of Varroa Mites in Bee Hives (Web |
- The Complex Life of the Honey Bee (
- The Complex Life of the Honey Bee - Spanish Version(
- 2020 Indiana Solar Site Pollinator Habitat Planning Scorecard (
- Protecting Honey Bees from Area-wide Insecticide Applications (Web |
- Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers (Web |
- Managing Pests in Home Fruit Plantings
- Midwest Fruit Pest Management Guide
- Pesticide Use on Potatoes Grown in Indiana
- Pesticide Use on Processing Tomatoes Grown in Indiana
- Pesticide Use on Melons Grown in Indiana
- Maximize Grain Quality and Profits Using SLAM
- Crabapples Resistant to Apple Scab and Japanese Beetle in Indiana (Web |
- High Tunnel Cucumber Production Guide
- How to Make an Awesome Insect Collection (Web)
- Awesome Insect Fact n' Photo Cards
- Demographics of Indiana's Urban Agriculturalists
- Opportunities and Challenges for Urban Agriculturalists in Indiana
- Defining Success: Urban Agriculturalists' Perspectives
- What's Bugging You? (Web)
- Entomology Project Leader's Guide (for Indiana)
- Manual I: Understanding the Honey Bee
- Manual II: Working with Honey Bees
- Manual III: Advanced Beekeeping Methods
- Order Labels
- Specimen Labels
- Card Points
- Insect and Mite Control on Woody Ornamentals and Herbaceous Perennials
- Sweet Corn Pest Identification and Management
- The Spongy Moth in Indiana (Web |
- Spongy Moth Q&A's For Christmas Tree Growers & Nursery Producers (Web |
- Q&A's About Using BTK to Control Spongy Moth (Web |
- Q&A's About Pheromones & Controlling Spongy Moth (Web |
- Beware of Hitch Hikers!
- Indiana 4-H Beekeeping
- Bamboo Longhorned Beetle
- Granulate Ambrosia Beetle
- Pigeons
- Chipmunks
- Woodpeckers
- Moles
- Bats
- Woodchucks
- Protecting Yourself From Wildlife Diseases: Racoon Roundworm
- Oak Splendor Beetle
- Chinese Longhorn
- Quetta Borer
- Black Spruce Beetle
- Asian Ambrosia Beetle
- Camphor Shot Beetle
- Japanese Pine Sawyer
- Oak Ambrosia Beetle
- European Oak Beetle
- Larch Sapwood Beetle