Our soybeans have been off to a great start in terms of development this season with 30% of Indiana flowering as of July 7th (USDA-NASS, 2024).
Our soybeans have been off to a great start in terms of development this season with 30% of Indiana flowering as of July 7th (USDA-NASS, 2024).
Temperatures were much more pleasant over the past seven days (June 24-July 1) compared to the heat experienced in mid-late June.
As we transition into a new month, it is always good to remind ourselves about forage management practices that remain or become a focus.
2024 Corn Earworm Trap Report
We are starting to see common diseases in the lower canopy of corn, as we were out scouting this past week as early planted corn has begun to tassel in Indiana.
Last week, temperatures were higher than normal, and the lack of precipitation was causing lawns to turn brown, creek and lake levels to drop, and some crops to start showing stress.
Though more of a curiosity, and infrequent, it is refreshing for us to receive calls/emails of mysterious insects “threatening” the crop.
Managing forages for hay production requires much skill.
As we move into the first days of summer, we are finished with the early season, migratory moths and caterpillars (armyworms, black cutworms) and are now into those that overwinter here. For those pheromone trapping for western bean cutworm moths, you should begin this week. This is just the beginning of an extended moth emergence and flight, with their peak activity expected 2-3 weeks from now. Those in high-risk areas, i.e., sandy soils, high moth flight and WBC history should be gearing up for field scouting of corn, even those with Bt-traits. Depending on the trait expressed by your corn hybrids, efficacy can be highly variable. Scouting of pre-tassel corn should begin once multiple moths are being captured regularly. In five different areas of a field, inspect 20 consecutive plants for egg masses which are laid on the upper surface of the top leaves of corn and/or larvae that may[Read More…]
REGISTER HERE Field Day Schedule Tuesday, July 30, 2024 Agronomy Center for Research and Education 4550 US 52 West, West Lafayette, IN 47907 Sign in from 8:30 – 9:00 am EST in the Beck Center Demonstrations from 9:00 am – 12:15 pm EST Lunch and discussion from 12:15 pm – 1:00 pm EST Please join us for the 2024 Grain and Fiber Hemp Field Day! This half-day hands-on workshop will provide insight into the latest in grain and fiber hemp production and pest management. Topics include pest identification, plant diagnostics, how to collect samples, hemp processing, and products. Cost is $20, payable before the event. Registration ends on July 25th. Boxed lunches will be provided at the end of the event. To learn more, go to https://ag.purdue.edu/events/department/agry/2024/07/dtc-workshop-hemp-field-day.html Field day topics include: Grain and fiber production and processing Weed ID and management Insect identification Plant diagnostics and sampling Application of hemp[Read More…]
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