1215 articles

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Soybean development in 2024 has been about 10 days ahead the 5-year average from flowering to pod development to leaf drop (USDA-NASS, 2024). Fast stand establishment and high accumulation of heat units (GDDs) during May and June certainly set the pace. Now in many areas, harvest is fully in gear based on the combinations of early maturities, early plantings, and late season heat and dryness. Timely planting is foundational for maximizing soybean production. Growing up in the Midwest, the mindset was to plant corn first followed by soybean (as long as it was planted by Memorial Day you were “fine”). That sentiment has changed based agronomic research, Extension recommendations, and farmers’ experience. Indiana planting of soybean shifted dramatically in 2018 to within ~4 days of corn planting where it had averaged 14 days behind corn the previous ten years. In fact, Indiana farmers continue to place high priority on soybean[Read More…]

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Over the past several weeks, temperatures across Indiana have averaged within the normal range for this time of year.  We may recall periods of extreme heat, but there were also periods that felt cooler with fall-like temperatures.  Daytime maximum temperatures have averaged near normal whereas nighttime minimum temperatures have averaged slightly below normal.  This has offered welcomed relief not only for livestock, pets, and humans, but has provide some much needed nighttime moisture recovery for vegetation, particularly as precipitation events have been few and far between. Abnormally dry and moderate drought conditions have gradually been expanding and intensifying almost everywhere (Figure 1).  The only locations that have been mostly spared – or more likely, still benefiting for recent storm tracks – is from west-central Indiana into central Indiana (Benton and Warren counties toward Madison County).  However, even those counties are starting to show stress and could soon be classified as[Read More…]

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Under-utilized forage management practices in the beef, small ruminant, and horse businesses are forage analysis and ration formulation based on the forage test. If these practices are done properly, they will result in correct livestock body condition, wellbeing, and improved profit. The Indiana Forage Council organized the opportunity for hay producers to enter samples in the “Hoosier Hay Contest”. The deadline for hay and baleage sample submission is September 30. Forage quality results for the categories that a producer enters will be shared with them. Quality results will also be shared with all entrants in a specific category, but results of others will be anonymous. Details about the “Hoosier Hay Contest” can be found at the Indiana Forage Council’s website (https://indianaforage.org/) Later in the fall, a hay quality seminar on “Forage Quality” will be offered. Details will be shared when known by Purdue Extension and the Indiana Forage Council.

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Dry weather has become a concern across Indiana for livestock producers. Purdue Extension publication ID-528, “Forage Management and Use Considerations When Drought Occurs” (ID-528 When Forages are in Short Supply Because of Drought (purdue.edu) has many ideas that will help stretch forage resources specifically for beef cattle. Many of the concepts have value for other ruminant species, too. Within the publication is discussion of the following practices that should be considered now to stretch forage supply and to better manage pastures: Monitor cow body condition as a barometer of nutritional status Avoid overgrazing Provide clean, cool water to reduce heat stress and maintain herd health Creep feed calves to obtain near normal weaning weights Early wean calves to take pressure off both cows and pastures Identify and manage poisonous plants in pastures and hay fields Pregnancy check and market cull cows earlier than normal to reduce feed needs Inventory hay[Read More…]

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