Total Precipitation May 24-30, 2018
Total Precipitation May 24-30, 2018
Grubs of the Asiatic garden beetle have been recently found damaging corn seedlings in northern Indiana counties.
We’ve received several calls this year about reduced herbicide efficacy, specifically with glyphosate and glyphosate mixtures when sprayed either during cool temperatures or just after a cold spell.
Every year we get several cases of herbicide drift from burndown applications on homeowner trees, shrubs, flowers, and vegetables.
Armyworm moth captures have varied throughout the state (see “Armyworm Pheromone Trap Report”). As I observed last week in Tippecanoe County, when larvae are small, their damage is negligible and easily overlooked.
Average Temperature Departure from Mean May 15-21, 2018
Total Precipitation May 17-23, 2018
Black cutworm pheromone trap cooperators have faithfully reported their week’s catches, but most haven’t been numerically challenged.
Average Temperature Departure from Mean May 8-14, 2018
Total Precipitation May 10-16, 2018
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