Volunteer hemp is up in fields where the seed was dropped the previous season.
Volunteer hemp is up in fields where the seed was dropped the previous season.
I once thought that broomsedge bluestem was a southern Indiana plant only, but as the years have gone by I see the plant all over Indiana.
March wrapped up as one of Indiana’s wettest (44th wettest out of 126 years) and warmest (16th warmest).
This spring Indiana will see the emergence of the 17-year cicadas (Brood X).
A new program, the “Midwest Grazing Exchange”, was developed to match landowners and livestock owners.
The handbook lists agri-chemicals registered and regulatory status or special use restrictions.
This is a listing of the Purdue field crop specialists for 2019.
Every spring we receive phone calls and emails with concerns of the presence of poison hemlock (Conium maculatum L.) in pastures, fencelines, and field edges.
There are a number of weed management resources that have been developed by Extension Weed Scientists by a United SoybeanBoard (USB)-funded initiative called “Take Action”.
The warmer temperatures experienced in Indiana over the past week and the forecast for warmer temperatures moving forward will allow winter wheat fields in Indiana to green up and resume growth.
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