Weed Management Resources

There are a number of weed management resources that have been developed by Extension Weed Scientists by a United SoybeanBoard (USB)-funded initiative called “Take Action”. The purpose of this article is to raise awareness of the most recent work done by this group to address the growing challenge of controlling herbicide-resistant weeds. If you are interested in bookmarking the website, which also contains information on fungicide and insecticide resistance, you can go to this site – https://iwilltakeaction.com/weeds

Below we have highlighted a few of the newer or update resources.

2021 Take Action Herbicide Classification Chart

The 2021 Herbicide Classification Chart is available online here. If you’d like printed copies to share with customers, you can order copies at our online store here. Stay tuned for more updates to other Take Action resources, including the Fungicide Classification Chart and Insecticide Classification Chart.

Video Series: ‘Inside Weed Management’

Take Action is collaborating with university weed scientists to develop seven videos covering herbicide-related issues. The video series, “Inside Weed Management,” is covering the following topics:

  • Broadcast nozzle selections.
  • Cover crops and weed suppression.
  • Nonconventional weed management tools.
  • Impacts of pre-emergent herbicides on soybean development.
  • Research update on inversion with pre-emergent herbicides.
  • Research update on cereal rye and marestail.
  • Herbicide soil interactions and carryover.

It’s a series you won’t want to miss as we enter another growing season. You can find the video series here.

Weed Out Resistance Poster Is Available Now

As your customers approach another growing season, Take Action wants to make sure you both are covered on tackling herbicide resistance. Find our newest fact sheet, Weed Out Resistance, highlighting the 11 weeds that have developed resistance to the most herbicide sites of action. The poster indicates which herbicide groups the weeds have evolved resistance to as well as the most effective herbicide groups to control them.

Quick Links

As the spring season approaches, it’s crucial to remember that training is mandatory for any use of dicamba products. Links to the dicamba manufacturer applicator trainings are available below.

Training requirements vary by state. Please be sure to refer to your state and local requirements for the training process.

Follow Us

Don’t forget to connect with Take Action on Facebook and Twitter to stay engaged with the latest Take Action updates and resources!

Visit IWillTakeAction.com




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