Favorable weather and soil conditions for planting during the last two weeks of April allowed many growers to get their soybeans planted relatively early this year in many parts of Indiana.
Favorable weather and soil conditions for planting during the last two weeks of April allowed many growers to get their soybeans planted relatively early this year in many parts of Indiana.
Due to the recent cold wet weather, corn planted in April has either struggled to emerge or the corn that did emerge may have been injured by frost events or it looks bad because of the cold weather.
Every spring, cooperators throughout the state put forth considerable effort in trapping for the arrival and intensity of black cutworm moths.
2021 Black Cutworm Pheromone Trap Report Form
The 2021 grazing season has recently started and hay harvest is going to begin soon.
Livestock producers can get first-hand tips from experts on how to incorporate management-intensive grazing techniques during two-day seminars in June that will run in both northern and southern Indiana.
Armyworm Pheromone Trap Report – 2021
Multiple samples of seedcorn maggot damaged soybean seedlings have been submitted to the Purdue Plant and Pest Diagnostic Lab.
It is still believed that black cutworm does not over-winter in the Corn Belt, but rather they are carried here on weather fronts and literally “rain” on Indiana.
Armyworm Pheromone Trap Report – 2021
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