Most guesstimates, range being from 3.7 to 18.8, were within a few percentage points of the actual measured defoliation…8.7%.
Most guesstimates, range being from 3.7 to 18.8, were within a few percentage points of the actual measured defoliation…8.7%.
2019 Western Bean Cutworm Pheromone Trap Report
2019 Western Bean Cutworm Pheromone Trap Report
For the last several years, we have heard from pest managers about European corn borer (ECB) infestations and damage catching the producer, or themselves, off guard when growing non-traited corn.
In speaking with producers, it is obvious that soybean defoliation (aka, leaf removal), especially by Japanese beetle, irritates them.
Southern Rust: Southern rust was officially confirmed in Posey County this week. We currently have two positive counties and one probable in Indiana.
2019 Corn Earworm Trap Report
The brutal heat wave has passed, but there are still plenty of warm days ahead. Climate outlooks (over the next few weeks) are suggesting confidence of above-normal precipitation across Indiana.
We have been getting lots of inquiries lately about fields that didn’t get planted to a corn or soybean crop, and have lots of weeds growing in them.
While the remnants of Hurricane Barry brought some much-needed precipitation to the state, the next few weeks look to be on the dry side.
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