There have been multiple enquiries over the last week concerning corn leaves and forage grasses disappearing!
There have been multiple enquiries over the last week concerning corn leaves and forage grasses disappearing!
Most likely you have seen some black moths flying around farms, homes, and yards, especially to lights at night.
We are starting to see a few diseases in soybean across Indiana.
The post-pollination scuttlebutt overheard in coffee shops throughout Indiana during late summer often revolves around the potential for severe stress that might reduce kernel set or kernel size in neighborhood cornfields.
Many professions must invest in tools specific to their trade to be successful. Besides the typical tools of wrenches, screwdrivers, chisels and hammers, what other items or gadgets would be helpful to be a successful forage producer? People Find professionals that are knowledgeable, responsive, and have a passion for forages – Advisors should provide value Build good working relationships BEFORE a problem occurs Your county’s Purdue Agricultural and Natural Resources Extension Educator and Natural Resources Conservation Service office are valuable resources Join organizations that emphasize forages as a learning opportunity Excellent considerations would be the Indiana Forage Council ( and your livestock interest association(s) Provides an opportunity to network with people of like interests Resource materials that emphasize forages Forage magazines, websites, podcasts, apps, and publications A great value is the Purdue Forage Field Guide (ID-317) A helpful weed control guide is WS-16-W. Order both at Purdue Plant and[Read More…]
Tracking the western bean cutworm moth flight wouldn’t be possible without the many pheromone trap cooperators in our network, see following “Western Bean Cutworm Pheromone Trap Report.”
2020 Western Bean Cutworm Pheromone Trap Report
The climate outlooks issued by the national Climate Prediction Center are keeping things exciting for those trying to plan ahead.
Split Applications Of Soil Residual Herbicides In Corn
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