In a month, some livestock producers will be chopping whole-plant corn that will be placed in an anaerobic environment so fermentation can occur.
In a month, some livestock producers will be chopping whole-plant corn that will be placed in an anaerobic environment so fermentation can occur.
Tar Spot – We continue to confirm counties with active tar spot.
2023 Western Bean Cutworm Pheromone Trap Report
As the dog days of summer continue in folklore through August 11, the temperatures and humidity have increased to heat advisory status throughout the weekly outlook.
The Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica) was taken in government bait traps in Indianapolis for the first time.
Tar Spot – We continue to confirm counties with active tar spot. Twelve counties have been confirmed as of July 29, 2021.
I was asked to come to a field in early April many years ago by a young producer. The producer and the seedsman that sold the alfalfa to the producer met me at the field.
To reach full potential of the forage part of the business, Mother Nature must comply with provision of excellent growing conditions, but the manager (you) must be part of a successful team with Mother Nature and professionals, too.
The western bean cutworm (WBC) trapping season continues, and after a slow start, moth flights have rapidly increased in many northern Indiana county traps the past two weeks. With warm temperatures, egg development and hatch will happen within about 6-8 days after they are first placed by females. This will give little time for egg scouting. Unfortunately larval scouting is far more difficult, time-consuming and less reliable. In other words, some larvae have hatched and have already infested corn whorls, leaf axils, and/or ears. Control is very difficult at this point and those just looking for egg masses beginning now will likely be underestimating the population. However, it’s not too late! Although some eggs have hatched, our current period of increased moth activity represents the peak for egg-laying, as the vast majority of WBC eggs will be laid over the next 2 weeks. Use moth trap catches[Read More…]
2023 Western Bean Cutworm Pheromone Trap Report
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