Total Precipitation April 5 – April 11, 2018
Total Precipitation April 5 – April 11, 2018
Black cutworm trap report table
Armyworm pheromone trap report table
In 2016, Chinese officials put in place a new grain import law to keep invasive weeds and other plant pests from entering their country. Last fall, they informed USDA that U.S. grain shipments, particularly soybeans, did not comply with the new law. They specifically cited increased detections of weed seeds.
Dicamba has been with us since the 1960s, but has been given a new life thanks to plant scientists who have bred dicamba tolerant soybeans, a herbicide that in the past has been known to knock the leaves right off the plants.
Purdue field crops listing for 2018.
Total Precipitation March 29-April 4, 2018
Though black cutworm and/or armyworms moths may be present in the state, they are certainly hanging low until the conditions improve.
After the very cold conditions of early January, a very common question received (and this is the case every year after a cold spell) was: “will the cold kill the insects?” And more recently, our attention has turned to the saturated soil conditions, “will that drown the insects?”
Recent widespread flooding for weeks in northern Indiana has prompted questions and concerns about the potential negative effects on soil biology and other soil properties.
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