While drought has been on many people’s minds lately, Indiana has had several rain events pass through that brought much needed moisture.
While drought has been on many people’s minds lately, Indiana has had several rain events pass through that brought much needed moisture.
Many farmers in Indiana utilize starter fertilizer applications, specifically applied through the planter and in close proximity to the seed, which are known to provide benefits such as early crop access to necessary nutrients, improved and more rapid plant growth, and reduced grain moisture at harvest.
Potato leafhopper populations have been increasing with the warming temperatures and dry weather in most areas of the state.
The weather forecast is desirable for rain the next several days. The following are considerations to heed to improve forage growth and inventory of stored feed for ruminant livestock and equine if the forecast holds true. Inventory current forage resources and routinely determine how much more forage, other than what you have at time of assessment, might be needed to get to spring grazing in 2024. If forage inventory continues to be low despite a return for more usual rainfall, strategize a plan to avoid the stress of an immediate crisis. Keep in mind that hay purchase can be expensive if delayed until late winter. The following link has many points of consideration. (Beef Management Practices: When Forages are in Short Supply Because of Drought). Scout pasture for weed species present and develop a control plan if they are competing with desired forages and/or are poisonous concerns. An excellent resource[Read More…]
The biggest challenge so far this year for Indiana corn production has been the dry conditions experienced throughout the state (Figure 1).
2023 Western Bean Cutworm Pheromone Trap Report
The number of harvestable kernels per ear is an important contributor to the grain yield potential of a corn plant.
Corn growth stages are quite variable across Indiana but a number of areas with early planted corn about waist high.
This half-day, hands-on event will focus on the grain and fiber hemp research being conducted at Purdue as part of a multi-state collaboration.
This week, the calendar transitioned from spring to summer. Lack of rainfall in most of Indiana has unfortunately continued to be a concern to vegetation wellbeing, pastures included. You likely were told to clean up all the food on your plate when you were a child sitting at the kitchen or dining room table. That was a good recommendation to reduce food waste and to make sure the dollars earned by your parent or guardian were not “thrown in the trash”. Consider this – If the soil in the pasture is the plate and the forages growing in the soil is the food on the plate to be eaten, having livestock, analogous to the child at the table, grazing the soil bare of vegetation is a concern. The figure below found in “Forages Volume 1 – an introduction to grassland agriculture” is an excellent illustration of what happens to[Read More…]
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