204 articles From: "2020"

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For those keeping track of my articles over the last few weeks, the outlooks of wetter and cooler than normal conditions have been the theme. The cooler temperatures never really came to fruition. In fact, most of Indiana was 1°F to 3°F above normal over the past two weeks (Figure 1)! Regarding the wetter-than-normal precipitation outlook, northern counties, northeastern Indiana, as well as along the Ohio River received above normal precipitation. However, the rest of the state experienced 1” to 2” less-than-normal precipitation over the past 2-week period (Figure 2). Even the above-normal precipitation in the northern and northeastern counties have had little impact relieving the developing drought conditions!

Pest&Crop newsletter - Department of Entomology Purdue University 901 Mitch Daniels Blvd West Lafayette, IN 47907

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