Green cloverworm is considered an occasional defoliating pest of soybean, typically later in the growing season.
Green cloverworm is considered an occasional defoliating pest of soybean, typically later in the growing season.
Average Temperature Departure from Mean August 16-22, 2018
Total Precipitation August 16-22, 2018
Southern rust of corn was officially confirmed this week in both Knox and Jackson counties Indiana.
He is studying the dynamics of plant disease and epidemiology of crop diseases and in particular grey leaf spot and northern corn leaf blight in corn. His lab is looking to establish a collection of isolates of these two diseases from across the state for epidemiological work that could be the basis for developing strategies to manage GLS in the future.
Corn earworm moth numbers have been relatively low this season until recently, as numbers have exploded in pheromone traps.
For reasons that are unclear – but likely related to two seasons of increased monitoring and spraying – the western bean cutworm damage is far lower than the past two seasons.
Average Temperature Departure from Mean August 8-14, 201
Total Precipitation August 9-15, 2018
We are collecting corn tar spot samples and we need your help! Tar spot of corn is a new corn disease first identified in the United States in 2015 in Illinois and Indiana. It has since been confirmed in Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Florida.
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