Fieldwork has progressed slowly in the past week due to cool air and soil temperatures.
7 articles tagged "April 2023".

Every spring we receive several calls and e-mails about a certain 3-foot tall weed with yellow flowers (Figure 1).

The presence of poison hemlock (Conium maculatum L.) in pastures, fencelines, and field edges (Figure 1) is a frequent concern in many parts of Indiana during the Spring.

In the Spring, growers may experience challenges when controlling winter annuals weeds or terminating cover crops with glyphosate-based burndown herbicide programs, specifically when glyphosate is sprayed in cool, cloudy weather conditions or tank mixed with residual herbicides, ATS, or synthetic auxins (issue mostly for grasses).

Through the first 18 days of April, temperatures ran 5.5◦F above normal statewide (Figure 1).

Many factors (many of them unpredictable) determine an insect outbreak.

Much like March, April has gotten off to a warm start.