Chance for above-normal precipitation in about 2 weeks, but for this time of the year, that doesn’t mean much.
Chance for above-normal precipitation in about 2 weeks, but for this time of the year, that doesn’t mean much.
Enjoy these cooler, drier September days while you can. Climate outlooks from the national Climate Prediction Center are strongly favoring above-normal temperatures for the 6-to-10-day period of September 14th through 18th. Precipitation outlooks are slightly favoring above-normal conditions, but will then shift to drier-than-normal conditions. This should mean fewer muggy days with lower heat index values. The average September temperatures across Indiana – based upon the 1991-2020 period – range in the 60s with daytime highs between 75°F and 80°F. Therefore, even if the climate outlook holds true, above-normal temperatures in September should be more tolerable than in July or August. Modified growing degree-day (MGDD) accumulations since April 1 currently range from slightly above around 2500 units in northern Indiana to slightly over 3200 units in southern Indiana (Figure 1). This is around 80 to 140 units above normal in the northern part of the state and 50-100 units below[Read More…]
The month of May was sprinkled with a record-breaking freeze over Mother’s Day weekend, followed by heavy rainfall the following weekend, with a roller coaster of cool periods and extremely warm periods.
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