Now that cleaner air has reduced the amount of sulfur acquired by plants and soil from rainfall or adsorbed directly from the air, sulfur deficiency of crops appears to be increasing.
Now that cleaner air has reduced the amount of sulfur acquired by plants and soil from rainfall or adsorbed directly from the air, sulfur deficiency of crops appears to be increasing.
Over the wide variety of planting and soil-applied herbicide situations, most irrigated producers will gain from an early season irrigation application somewhere in the operation most years. The limiting factor is often whether the irrigation system is ready to go.
The number of 30-, 40-, and 60-ft wide (or larger) field crop planters across the U.S. Midwest is greater today than, say, twenty years ago. Certainly, individual farmers can plant more acres of corn and soybean per day with today’s large field equipment than they could twenty years ago.
Recent widespread flooding for weeks in northern Indiana has prompted questions and concerns about the potential negative effects on soil biology and other soil properties.
The cost of seed corn is the largest single variable input cost for most Indiana corn growers (Dobbins et al., 2017). Minimizing that cost involves a combination of shrewd purchasing skills and wise selection of seeding rates. This summary focuses on our recent research evaluating the yield response of corn to plant population in field scale trials conducted around the state of Indiana.
Every year, I get a lot of phone calls from folks wanting to know why their neighbor’s fields of corn ended up with such poor uneven lousy-looking stands. Since some seem so ecstatic about this happening to their neighbors, I figured maybe they would like to know how to prepare a crappy stand of corn for themselves next year.
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