The Spring Seesaw

I was trying to think of a word that conveyed quickly going from one extreme to another.  “Roller coaster ride” seemed a bit over used and yet “whiplash” didn’t quite fit.  Hmmm, what is something that can go up and down, back and forth, bouncy-bouncy?  Then it occurred to me: “seesaw”.  Certainly, this incredible inconsistency that our atmosphere has been exposing us to is not unusual for the Midwest.  That does not make it any less jarring, though, to go from needing to wear sweaters and a coat to then forgetting that coat at the office because the weather got warmer.  The poor abandoned coat is quickly forgotten until a few days later when we cannot find it on the way out the door in chilly conditions.

Yes, the season of spring is like a seesaw that bounces back and forth between winter- and summer-like conditions.  I am getting better at remembering my coat at the end of the day, fortunately.  Nowadays, I worry about the beautiful magnolia and other flowering trees that could get hurt from the next cold snap.  Of course, they always seem to survive fine enough.

When will the next warm pulse happen?  Will it be the last?  Is it safe enough for me to start planting the garden and putting away the snow shovels?  Is there room in the shed for both the lawn mower and snow blower? Sure, there is likely guidance for these and other questions from those of us anxious to be done with winter.  In the meantime, I can at least start planning for those projects outside while I keep those sweaters and coats close by!

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