VIDEO: Scouting Western Bean Cutworm Post-Whorl, Possible But Tedious

The vast majority of cornfields in the northwestern counties of Indiana have reached or have passed pollination. However, western bean cutworm moths are still flying and laying eggs. In the last week or so, scouting emphasis has shifted from sampling for egg masses in pre-tassel corn to finding early instar (VERY tiny and elusive) larvae in the ear zone of pollinated corn. The following video will hopefully assist you in scouting for and understanding this pest while it attempts to establish in developing corn ears. Remember, this is a pest that requires scouting to manage properly. The vast majority of Bt corn hybrids planted currently will not offer control of these larvae. Scouting and insecticide treatments at threshold are your only reliable option.

Early instar western bean cutworm larva on the silks near a pollen anther.

Early instar western bean cutworm larva on the silks near a pollen anther.


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