Indiana Climate and Weather Report Crops – 6/26/2019

Outlook into early next week looks favorable for a dry weekend, but chances for precipitation around the state pop back up around Tuesday.  Those chances remain until Friday, jeopardizing 4th of July activities, although model confidence for exact timing or amounts of precipitation are low at this time.  Meanwhile, temperatures are expected to be seasonal to slightly above seasonal, with northern Indiana potentially reaching the 90 degree mark as southern Indiana tops out in the low 90s.

For those considering growing degree days with any further potential planting of crops, growing degree day calculations generally have a maximum cutoff temperature of 86 degrees Fahrenheit.  Therefore, above average temperatures this time of year do not necessarily equate to greater amounts of growing degree days.  Additionally, low temperatures around the state in the next week are forecasted to stay near 70 degrees, increasing plant respiration rates and reducing energy resources devoted to crop growth.


climate map

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