Indiana Climate and Weather Report – 4/23/2019

No reason exists to expect drought anytime soon in Indiana, with much of the state remaining rather wet after last weekend’s showers. One good new development exists. The precipitation pattern that has existed since nearly January seems to be becoming a little less predictable, which could mean more periods of drier weather between fronts on the horizon. Another bit of good news exists in above normal temperatures predicted on both the 7-10 and 8-14 day forecasts, according to the Climate Prediction Center, which would allow for quicker drying of soils after any precipitation that does fall.

Current growing degree days (base 50) for 2019, as of April 22, vary from 206 in Indianapolis to 322 in Evansville to 111 in Angola, marking a clear gradient in insect development and greening from south to north. The entire state is now monitoring conditions for issuance of frost/freeze warnings from the NWS, as sensitive vegetation exists state-wide.


8-14 Day Outlook Temperature Probability Made 23 Apr 2019 Valid May 01-07, 2019.

8-14 Day Outlook Temperature Probability Made 23 Apr 2019 Valid May 01-07, 2019.


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