The weather has been absolutely beautiful over the past few days. Temperatures have finally rebounded, vegetation is green again, and agricultural crops are beginning to emerge from the freshly planted fields. Despite the warming temperatures, we still have not dug ourselves out of the below-normal start to May. Through the first ten days of the month, Indiana averaged 0.7◦F below normal (Figure 1). The largest departures occurred in climate divisions 6 and 9, which were 1.6◦F and 1.9◦F below normal, respectively. Angola, located in Steuben County, was the coldest location with an average temperature of 50.9◦F (4.0◦F below normal). Evansville was the warmest with an average temperature of 63.4◦F, which was 2.0◦F below normal. Accumulated Modified Growing Degree Days (April 1 – May 10) continued to run within 60 MGDDs of normal throughout the state (Figure 2). Statewide, MGDDs have accumulated between 160 and 420 units since April 1. Four-inch[Read More…]