He shares weed management tips and what growers are facing right now.
5 articles tagged "herbicide applications".
The warmer temperatures experienced in Indiana over the past few weeks and the forecast for warmer temperatures moving forward will allow winter wheat fields in Indiana to green up and resume growth.
After a delayed start to our planting season, we were able to plant both corn and soybean across the state in record or near-record time during May. This coincided with some timely rains and hot weather.
Quackgrass (Elymus repens) is a cool-season perennial grass, generally found in vacant fields or along roadsides that are not regularly mowed.
After a delayed start to our planting season, we were able to plant both corn and soybean across the state in record or near-record time during May. This coincided with our hottest May on record, which was also dry in many areas of the state.