Rain continues to be spotty across Indiana with some areas getting the lion’s share while others are barely seeing a drop. When considering a recent 7-day period (June 1-7, 2022; Figure 1), central Indiana seemed to have missed out on most of the rain. This translated to central Indiana receiving around 5%-25% of what it normally received during that same period from 1991-2020 (Figure 2). However, if one considers the recent 30-day period (May 9 – June 7, 2022), the whole northern half of Indiana appears to have only received 25%-75% of what has normally fallen (Figure 3). The period of consideration when looking at recent climate is important, and no time frame is necessarily superior to another. It all depends upon the application. For example, being on the dry side over a 7-day period in May could be preferable for agriculture so planting can happen with fewer muddier fields. [Read More…]