Indiana Climate and Weather Report – 8/1/2019

The brief rain event earlier this week brought some precipitation to the state (Figure 1).  However, the drier regions of the north could use more rain soon!  Sadly, significant amounts of rain do not appear to be in the forecast for the next 7 days (August 1-7; Figure 2).  Keep an eye out for developing drought conditions!


Average Daily Precipitation 7/30/19 - 7/30/19


7 day map

The heat seems to have backed off, but it is still summer, so muggy conditions are expected to continue with daytime highs in the 80s and nighttime lows in the 60s.  This should offer relief from any potential heat stress and yet continue to allow growing degree-days (GDD) to accumulate.  For GDD accumulations starting May 1st, the central and northern counties of Indiana are near normal with the southern counties 50-100 units above normal (Figure).


MGDD Departure 5/1/19 - 7/31/19

Climate outlooks produced by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Prediction Center (CPC) look uncertain through August 10th with respect to temperature.  However, From August 11th through 15th, the CPC has significant confidence that temperatures will be below normal throughout Indiana and precipitation will be above normal for the southern counties (Figure).


8-14 day outlook precipitation probability

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