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- E-245-W
"Human Lice: Biology and Public Health Risk"
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Pubic Louse
- World-wide, including all developed nations.
- Sexual activity with an infested partner.
- Typically on coarse hairs in the genital region of adolescents and adults.
- Occasionally in other locations such as eyelashes, eyebrows, and mustaches.
- NOTE: Pubic louse eggs are laid at the base of coarse body hairs.
- Primarily during sexual intercourse and other intimate activities.
- Potentially, but rarely, via infested bedding and toilet seats.
- Itching and irritability.
- Excessive scratching, resulting in scab-covered sores and secondary bacterial and fungal infections.
- Severe nuisances and social embarrassment.
- Possibility of secondary infections associated with sores.
- NOTE: There is no evidence that pubic lice are vectors of disease agents.
- Avoid sexual relations with infested partners.
- For specific chemical control, refer to CDC recommendations and see a physician.
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