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- E-245-W
"Human Lice: Biology and Public Health Risk"
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Head Louse
- World-wide, including all developed nations.
- Schools and day-care centers in which children are in frequent, close contact.
- Contact with infested clothing, hats, combs, scarves, audio devices, and cell phones.
- The fine hairs of the head, but occasionally in eyebrows.
- NOTE: Eggs are laid at the base of head hairs.
- Contact with infested people and infested items (see above).
- Itching and irritability.
- Excessive scratching, resulting in scab-covered sores and secondary bacterial and fungal infections.
- Severe nuisances and social embarrassment.
- Potential for secondary infections associated with sores.
- NOTE: There is no known involvement of head lice as vectors of disease agents.
- Avoid contact with infested people.
- Avoid contact with infested items.
- If possible, remove eggs and lice with fingers or a "nit" comb.
- For specific chemical control, refer to CDC recommendations and see a physician.
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