Reading across the curriculum


The Indiana Science Standards ask students to develop “Science/Technical Studies Content Area Literacy” for both Agriculture and Science. That means that teachers are looking for great ways to combine science and reading. Here are our recommendations for those looking to deepen students’ understanding.

For Middle School Students:

Science News for Students: This science news website is specifically written for teens and pre-teens. It includes definitions of any vocabulary or technical words used in the research reported on. Here’s a few of their recent insect related articles:

Frontiers for Young Minds is a monthly journal specifically for middle-schoolers. Each article is written by a scientist, and then reviewed by kids to make sure it’s at the correct reading level. Here’s some sample articles:

For High School Students:

AAAS Science in the Classroom: Annotated Research Papers for students combines actual primary research papers with educator guides and worksheets to help students read along and understand the experiments.

For all reading levels:

The News Literacy Project helps students to evaluate information they find on line. Their Checkology program walks students through the process of fact checking, and is free!