Meet live insects and their relatives up close and personal! We offer experiences you’ll be sure to enjoy and talk about for a long time.
When possible we try to make our material compatible with Indiana State Science Standards. Get in touch with us to start a conversation about planning and scheduling your own unique program.

Come for a tour of the Bug Zoo! We would love to show your students our animals, and teach them about what it takes to keep rare animals in captivity. We also can reserve classrooms and do hands-on activities or more in-depth programs. We will work with you on planning a program that meets your educational goals.
All On-Campus programs are free. We require a minimum 2 weeks advance notice for On-Campus programs.
We travel to all parts of Indiana! We can visit multiple classrooms in a school, or set up as an interactive station or pass-by exhibit; we can accommodate several hundred students as a pass-by exhibit.
We focus on direct interactions between each student and live animals for the most meaningful encounters. Our programs don’t work well in assembly-style arrangements; groups of 10-30 work best for handling and discussing small insects.
For larger groups, we offer a “pass-by” exhibit, which is more informal. Students and families are invited to walk by and ask questions, and interact and explore with our live animals. We can accomodate 100 or more students in that setting.
Important Notes:
- We require a minimum 6 weeks advance notice for off-campus programs.
- We do not provide on or off-campus programs for Pre-School, Kindergarten, or Grades 1 through 3. We love little kids, but cannot meet the many requests to serve this age group.
- We cannot always accommodate outdoor venues since some of our most popular insects are not native to the United States, and are required to be kept indoors by federal permit.
Program Fees
There is a $75 presentation fee for off-campus events; travel fees may also apply to presentations outside the Lafayette/West Lafayette area. For on or off-campus classes requesting grasshopper dissections or other special requests we may ask for a materials fee of $50 to $100.
NOTE: If over 50% of the students at your school are enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Program for free or reduced price lunches, we will waive most or all program fees.