Take Time To Evaluate Your Pasture Management

Managing pasture properly requires much skill, just like any agronomic crop. Much skill is required to do it in an “A” grade fashion because there is a livestock component to the agricultural system, too. Proper pasture management is more than opening the gate to the pasture and letting livestock graze season long. Make a pledge that you will not overgraze pastures this year. The greatest curse to the yield and persistence of perennial forages is overgrazing. Grazed forage should not look like stubble in a hay field.


Forage mixture. (Photo Credit: Keith Johnson)

Forage mixture. (Photo Credit: Keith Johnson)


he figure below found in “Forages Volume 1 – an introduction to grassland agriculture” is an excellent illustration of what happens to root biomass and vegetative regrowth when overgrazing occurs and time is not allowed for plant recovery.


Proper grazing

If the illustration above doesn’t convince you of the negative consequences of overgrazing, the University of Kentucky Forage website time lapse video simulating orchardgrass response differences to intensity of vegetation removal should do it. Go to the link http://forages.ca.uky.edu/grazing, and click the “UK Orchardgrass” box found in the far left middle of the page. Keep the video content in your mind when you leave more residual growth in the pasture. You are doing the right thing!

The following table includes several statements that need to be followed to have a successful pasture program. Take the time to do a self-evaluation of how good a job you are doing with each statement given. Rankings “Strongly Disagree” or “Disagree” require some attention to have topnotch pasture for your livestock.

If you have not developed a team of resource people that can help you with your questions about forage management, a good starting point is to contact your county’s Purdue Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) personnel. These individuals have a network within their own organizations and know local-regional agribusinesses and producers that will be able to help you with your questions.

Excellent detailed information developed by NRCS employees about pasture assessment can be found at this link National_Pasture_Condition_Scoring_Guide_and_Score_Sheet_-_January_2020.pdf (usda.gov).

Developing excellent pasture management skills require much effort, but the wellbeing of your forages and livestock will be better because you improved your pasture management skills.


Statement Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree

I soil test at least every third year and apply lime and fertilize based on the test results.


I know the major soil types on my farm by name and know their strengths and weaknesses.


I can identify the major forages growing in my pasture and know their strengths and weaknesses.


I remove livestock from a paddock when cool-season grass/legume forage growth is at least 4 inches in height.


I stockpile perennial pasture in the late summer and early fall.


I evaluate pasture growth and potential concerns (overgrazing, weeds, insects, diseases) in the pasture weekly and take action if needed.


I document when livestock are moved from paddock to paddock.


Where possible and applicable, I graze crop residues and double crop forages to full potential on my farm.


I have an agronomist on my list of professionals that has a passion for forage crops.




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