Quick Survey On Soybean Management Effects On Yield And Quality

Please take this Quick Survey on Soybean Management Effects on Yield and Quality:


We are part of a seven university project supported by the United Soybean Board to assess soybean management effects on yield and quality. The overall objective of this project is to identify factors affecting soybean seed protein and its composition and to identify the best management practices for increasing soybean seed quality. Greater nitrogen capture is required to increase yield and protein concentration concurrently. We have documented interactions of nitrogen and sulfur with a number of management practices such as planting date and in-season foliar protection. Now, we are looking to identify the understanding and the knowledge of soybean management and its influence on yield AND quality. We appreciate your time to fill out the survey that should take 5-10 minutes.

The Soybean Research & Information Network that has more information on the project and some of the findings to date.


Thanks so much!

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