18 search results for 'corn rootworm'

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We’ve received multiple reports of impressive rootworm beetle populations in cornfields. Most of these fields were continuous corn without rootworm larval protection. These fields seem to be the exception, but the increasing trend is troublesome. This article is a reminder that is pest is still alive and well.     For years, high adoption of highly effective Bt hybrids for rootworm control has likely contributed to a decline in rootworm populations. Overall, Indiana producers have managed this pest through a combination of crop rotation and/or use of Bt-rootworm hybrids. This approach, over many years, drastically reduced rootworm populations compared to 20 years ago. More recently, as state-wide rootworm risks to corn damage declined, producers have used less rootworm protection on their corn. This was a combination of those wanting to save money and take a chance with no protection or those assessing their risks on a field-by-field basis with scouting[Read More…]

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Much of the corn has pollinated throughout the state, but there are the late-planted fields that have yet to do so. Those are the fields that potentially act as a “trap crop” for various insect pests as they look for an excellent protein source…pollen. One particular insect, known by some producers as silk beetles, is the western corn rootworm beetle. In most years, this is the time for the peak number of beetles present in the state. In fact, for research trials we deliberately plant corn late the year before in an attempt to lure pollen-feeding female beetles into the crop so there will be plenty of eggs in second year corn. However, beetle numbers are much lower than they used to be several years ago. Because of this, some producers have let their guard down, only to later regret their decision to not protect their corn from larval damage.[Read More…]

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The silks that emerge from the ear shoot are the functional stigmas of the female flowers of a corn plant. Each silk connects to an individual ovule (potential kernel). A given silk must be pollinated in order for the ovule to be fertilized and develop into a kernel. Up to 1000 ovules typically form per ear, even though typically only 400 to 600 actual kernels per ear survive until harvest.

Pest&Crop newsletter - Department of Entomology Purdue University 901 Mitch Daniels Blvd West Lafayette, IN 47907

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