National Forage Week – A Time To Celebrate Forages

National Forage Week (June 20 – 26) is coming to a close. The leadership team of the Indiana Forage Council, a not-for- profit organization, decided it was appropriate to share on the council’s Facebook page the contributions forage crops provide the world. If you didn’t see the daily posts, they follow.

In appreciation to those that produce and utilize forages on their farms, provide forage-related inputs, and educate people about forages.

Podcasts related to forages were developed in conjunction with the expertise of “Hoosier Ag Today” and the links follow.

The link below is a story developed many years ago to introduce children to forages. Enjoy meeting Freddy as he learns about forages. Please share the coloring book with young and old!

Celebrate every day with an appreciation for all that forages do for the world. Have some ice cream. It’s a great indirect way to eat alfalfa and corn silage!

National Forage Week


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