Last Call To Register For The Grazing School

Want to learn how to improve grazing utilization? Attending a day and a half grazing school will be a great start to improving pasture utilization by your livestock.

The fee to attend is $75. Additional individuals from the same farm are permitted at a cost of $50, but extra materials will not be included. Attendance at the June 16 and 17 east central Indiana school (Winchester, IN) is being accepted until June 7.

Do your livestock a favor. Attend the Grazing School! Details are at the “Indiana Forage Council website ( This is an opportunity for producers and anyone that interacts with forage-livestock producers. Call Keith Johnson at (765) 494-4800 if there are questions.


Properly managed pasture is beneficial to plants and livestock, too. (Photo Credit: Keith Johnson)

Properly managed pasture is beneficial to plants and livestock, too. (Photo Credit: Keith Johnson)

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