Indiana Farmer Participation Needed for Multi-State On-Farm Research Survey


In a collaborative effort with Kansas State University, The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and The Ohio State University, Purdue University is looking for Indiana farmers to participate in a multi-state survey that examines farmer’s views and approaches to on-farm research. In addition, this survey will also assess farmer motivation to participate in on-farm research and the importance of on-farm research to his/her operation.

Assessing farmer views and perceptions toward on-farm research is essential for improving and promoting field-scale research in the future. In addition, the information provided will help improve university extension and farmer engagement efforts moving forward. The short survey provided in the link below only takes 5-10 minutes to complete and your response are completely voluntary and anonymous. The survey needs to be completed by May 23rd. Your participation and responses are greatly appreciated.

Link to access the survey:

For further questions please contact:

Dan Quinn,, 765-494-5314

Participating members:

Carlos Pires, Ignacio Ciampitti, Charles Rice (Kansas State)

Fernanda Krupek, Gabriela Carmona (Nebraska-Lincoln)

Osler Ortez (Ohio State)

Dan Quinn (Purdue)

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Pest&Crop newsletter - Department of Entomology Purdue University 901 Mitch Daniels Blvd West Lafayette, IN 47907

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