Forage Events To Put On The Calendar

Purdue Extension and the Indiana Forage Council are planning two forage education events that will be a great opportunity to expand your knowledge about managing forages.

The first education event is a 6-week series called the “Friday Forage Forum”. Planned by Purdue Extension, the program begins on March 5 and meets weekly noon Eastern time for an hour through April 16. The sessions will be recorded so they can be viewed when time permits in your schedule. It is important to register for the series. Register at

The next education event, “Making a Difference with Improved Grazing Systems”, focuses on implementing an improved grazing system. The Indiana Forage Council is taking leadership in developing this program. The program is receiving support from the Indiana State Department of Agriculture’s Livestock Promotion Grant. The day and a half session will be held at two locations. The first offering will be at the Southern Indiana Purdue Agriculture Center on June 4 and 5. On June 11 and 12 the meeting will be in the Rossville, IN area. Details about the program will be found at the Indiana Forage Council’s website by early April.

As an aside, scout your forages as they come out of winter dormancy to make sure there was no damage caused by the ever changing temperatures experienced this winter. It was a blessing that Mother Nature provided a blanket of insulating snow when the extreme cold temperature visited Indiana.

Forage forum Fridays

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