2023 Crop Management Workshops…”On The Road Again”

This coming January, the Crop Management Workshops will offer three in-person meetings, with one also being a livestream (virtual) option. Too, we are returning to all-day meetings to maximize your educational opportunity and certification credits! Mark your calendars!

Dates and Locations:

Tuesday, January 24: In-Person only, Madison County Community Center, Alexandria, IN

Wednesday, January 25: In-Person only, Westgate Conference Center (Crane Navel Weapon Support Center), Odon, IN

Thursday, January 26: In-Person AND Livestream, Beck Ag Center, West Lafayette, IN

Purdue Extension Field Crop Specialists of pests and agronomics, Purdue Pesticide Programs, and the Office of Indiana State Chemist Office will be sharing. Look for future details and registration information. It will be great to meet with you again!


Crop Management Workshops are BACK!

Crop Management Workshops are BACK!


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Pest&Crop newsletter - Department of Entomology Purdue University 901 Mitch Daniels Blvd West Lafayette, IN 47907

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