We offer two annual short courses and several extension presentations on beekeeping, bee breeding, and native bee biology and identification. Our short courses occur at Purdue University. Our extension programs can be held anywhere, so please contact us for more information.
The Art and Science of Queen and Drone Rearing short course
Krispn Given
June 19-21, 2025
These classes are limited to only 25 students and typically fill up quickly!
Where: Purdue Bee Lab
This course is designed for those who want to learn the art and science of queen rearing using the larval transfer technique (grafting). This is a 2-day course. It ends on the first day of The Beekeepers of Indiana summer field day.
Those attending the course will get a video and queen rearing manual demonstrating queen rearing techniques. Please bring your own veil and protective suit.
The cost of the two-day course is $200. The class is limited to 25 students. To register for our annual course please contact us.
• Biology of Queens & Drones
• Advanced beekeeping techniques
• Selecting Winter-Hardy Mite-resistant bees
• Commercial Queen Production
• Preparing finishing colony (queenright vs queenless)
• Preparing Swarm Box
• Cloak Board system (Tentative)
• Grafting (hands-on)
• Alternative methods
• Procedure from Egg to Queen
• Queen Mating
• Practicing what you have learned
• Marking Queens
9:00 a.m. – Class: Lecture on reproductive biology & queen rearing techniques
12:00 Lunch (provided)
4:00 p.m. – Adjourn
12:00 – Lunch (provided)
1:15 p.m. – Placing grafted cups in finishing colony and swarm box
4:00 p.m. – Adjourn
10:30 a.m. – Enjoy the ISBA summer meeting after you check your queen cells
4:00 p.m. – Adjourn
At least one year of beekeeping experience
Krispn Given, Apiculture Specialist, Department of Entomology, Purdue University
Dale McMahan, IN Master Beekeeper, Apis Engineering
David Shenefield, IN Commercial Beekeeper and bee breeder, Clover Blossom Honey