Welcome Our New Field Crops Pathologist, Dr. Darcy Telenko

Please join us in welcoming Dr. Darcy Telenko to our field crops team at Purdue University. Dr. Telenko will have extension and research responsibilities in field crops pathology, and her departmental home will be the department of Botany and Plant Pathology. Dr. Telenko’s focus will be involved in researching the biology and management of soil-borne and foliar pathogens of agronomic crops. She spent the last four years as an Extension Vegetable Specialist for the Cornell Vegetable Program at Cornell University in New York. Her responsibilities in that position were fresh market vegetable production, disease and weed management, soil health, and climate change resiliency. Darcy is a native of western New York and received her BS in Biological Sciences at Cornell University, MS in Plant and Soil Science at Southern Illinois University, and Ph.D. in Plant Pathology and Crop Sciences at North Carolina State University. Prior to Cornell, Darcy’s post-doctoral research included studies in weed management of turf grass and agronomic crops at the University of Florida and disease management of agronomic crops at Virginia Tech.

Dr. Darcy Telenko

Dr. Darcy Telenko


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Pest&Crop newsletter - Department of Entomology Purdue University 901 Mitch Daniels Blvd West Lafayette, IN 47907

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