Soybean Defoliation Contest, the Winner is…

I was quite encouraged by the many responses received on the soybean defoliation challenge presented in last week’s Pest&Crop (article can be viewed HERE). Most guesstimates, range being from 3.7 to 18.8, were within a few percentage points of the actual measured defoliation…8.7%. Most importantly, ALL contestants indicated the correct management decision was to do nothing. As I continue to visit the soybean plot from where this plant was taken, Japanese beetle have virtually disappeared and new leaf growth exhibits very little defoliation. Meaning, all those participating had the correct IPM response!

Congratulations to both Daryle Moyer, DLM Seed, and Austin Schwark,, for their educated guesses of 9.1%. Very impressive! Hopefully their defoliation guessing skills will gain them applause from their colleagues/clients. Because of the encouragement and humor sprinkled in with many of the responses, look for future contests. The fun/learning continues, happy scouting!


Actual defoliation of the contest plant is 8.7%, here the damaged leaves are clumped together for easier viewing/assessment.

Actual defoliation of the contest plant is 8.7%, here the damaged leaves are clumped together for easier viewing/assessment.

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