September 1 Forage Training Will Be Participant Active

The Purdue University Crop Diagnostic Training and Research Center is offering a daylong program at the Feldun-Purdue Agricultural Center located just west of Bedford on Thursday September 1. Complete details about this training is at the “Upcoming Events” tab at the Indiana Forage Council website (


Participants at the Forage Management Day will experience active learning. (Photo Credit: Keith Johnson)

Participants at the Forage Management Day will experience active learning. (Photo Credit: Keith Johnson)

The training will be an active experience; so active, that participants will leave the training with grass stains, soil smudges, and hay/silage smells on their clothes! The training emphasizes practical information that will be used on the farm, or will be a valuable resource as agribusiness personnel and educators interact with forage-livestock producers. Certification credits/points are available. Leave the day with a better understanding as to how to calibrate a sprayer, set the gap on a mower-conditioner, sample hay for forage testing analysis, use a sweep net to evaluate presence of insects, calibrate a seeding drill, and determine forage moisture content before baling/chopping occurs. Other take-home information presented will be the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in forage management practices, making best decisions about weed control, and corn silage and forage-sorghum silage management comparisons.

Certification credits/points are available.

Preregistration is required. Cost to attend the day-long training is $110.

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