Purdue’s 2024 Crop Management Workshop

In-Person & Virtual

When: January 23, 24, and 25, 2024


In-Person –

Tuesday, January 23: In-Person only, Wells County Community Center, Bluffton, IN

Wednesday, January 24: In-Person only, Pines Evergreen Room, Seymour, IN

Thursday, January 25: In-Person, Beck Ag Center, W. Lafayette, IN

Virtual –

Thursday, January 25: Livestream, Beck Ag Center, W. Lafayette, IN

Time: All times listed are Eastern Time

In-Person – 8:30 am to 4:00 pm

Virtual – 8:45 am to 4:00 pm

Registration, click the following link:  http://www.purdue.edu/conferences/Crop

In-Person – $90.00 (includes handouts, refreshments, and lunch)

Virtual – $60.00 (unique/active email address required)

Schedule and Topics:

8:30 In-Person Check-in

8:45 Virtual Log-in

9:00 Meeting Begins

(State Chemist Highlights, Biological Influencers of Soybean, Effective Disease Management, Weed and Herbicide Updates, Twenty Years of Bt-RW Corn Traits, Short-Stature Corn Hybrids, Don’t Get Tangled with Utility Wires)

4:00 In-Person and Virtual Meeting Concludes

Credits Awarded: (anticipated)

  • Indiana commercial pesticide applicators (CCHs)

In-Person and Virtual*: (Cat 1 = 7, Cat 4 = 1, Cat 11 = 3, and RT = 4)

  • Certified Crop Advisors (CEUs)

In-Person and Virtual*: 7.0 (PM 5.0, CM 2.0)

  • PARP (private applicator) available for in-person attendance only

*Livestream (i.e., Virtual) meeting may be watched individually, or together in groups. However, if credits (CCHs and/or CEUs) are desired, then each person must register with an individual (unique) email address, attend the entire meeting, and complete an online survey after the meeting. Understand, this is a whole day commitment, your attendance and attention are expected.

Additional Questions:

Purdue Conferences, 866-515-0023, confreg@purdue.edu

crop management workshop photo
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Pest&Crop newsletter - Department of Entomology Purdue University 901 Mitch Daniels Blvd West Lafayette, IN 47907

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