Purdue Extension Field Crop Specialists


Dept. Ext. Web Site: extension.entm.purdue.edu
Cameron, Stephen (765) 494-4554 cameros@purdue.edu Head, Dept. of Entomology
Bledsoe, Larry (765) 494-8324 lbledsoe@purdue.edu Field Research, CAPS
Faghihi, Jamal (765) 494-5901 jamal@purdue.edu Nematology
Humberg, Lee (765) 494-8721 lhumberg@purdue.edu USDA, APHIS, Animal Damage
(765) 494-4605 Beekeeping
Krupke, Christian (765) 494-4912 ckrupke@purdue.edu Field Crop Insects
Mason, Linda J. (765) 494-4586 lmason@purdue.edu Food Pest Mgmt. & Stored Grain
Obermeyer, John L. (765) 494-4563 obe@purdue.edu Field Crops Insects & IPM Specialist
Luck, Tammy (765) 494-8761
FAX: (765) 494-7197
luck@purdue.edu Administrative Assistant
Dept. Ext. Web Site: ag.purdue.edu/agry/extension
Turco, Ron (765) 494-4774 rturco@purdue.edu Head, Dept. of Agronomy
Anderson, Jason (765)494-5314 jacker@purdue.edu Soil Management
Brouder, Sylvie (765) 496-1489 sbrouder@purdue.edu Plant Nutrition, Soil Fertility, Water Quality
Camberato, Jim (765) 496-9338 jcambera@purdue.edu Soil Fertility
Casteel, Shaun (765) 494-0895 scasteel@purdue.edu Soybean and Small Grains Specialist
Gerber, Corey (765) 496-3755 gerberc@purdue.edu Director, Diagnostic Training Center
Johnson, Keith D. (765) 494-4800 johnsonk@purdue.edu Forages
Kladivko, Eileen (765) 494-6372 kladivko@purdue.edu Soil Physics, Cover Crops
Mansfield, Charles (812) 888-4311 cmansfie@purdue.edu Small Grains, Soybean, Corn (SWIN)
Nielsen, Robert L. (765) 494-4802 rnielsen@purdue.edu Corn, On-farm Research, Precision Agriculture
Steinhardt, Gary (765) 494-8063 gsteinha@purdue.edu Soil Management, Tillage, Land Use
Vyn, Tony (765) 496-3757 tvyn@purdue.edu Cropping Systems & Tillage
West, Terry (765) 494-4799 twest@purdue.edu Soil Management & Tillage
Hayenga, Lexie
(765) 494-4783
FAX: (765) 496-2926
lhayenga@purdue.edu Extension Program Coordinator
Botany and Plant Pathology
Dept. Ext. Web Site: www.ag.purdue.edu/btny/Extension
Staiger, Chris (765) 494-4615 staiger@purdue.edu Head, Dept. of Botany & Plant Pathology
Creswell, Tom (765) 494-8081 creswell@purdue.edu Director Plant & Pest Diagnostic Laboratory
Ikley, Joe (765) 494-0891 jikley@purdue.edu Weed Science
Johnson, Bill (765) 494-4656 wgj@purdue.edu Weed Science
Ruhl, Gail (765) 494-4641 ruhlg@purdue.edu Plant & Pest Diagnostic Laboratory
Whitford, Fred (765) 494-4566 fwhitford@purdue.edu Purdue Pesticide Programs
Woloshuk, Charles (765) 494-3450 woloshuk@purdue.edu Mycotoxins in Corn
Gross, Lisa
(765) 494-9871
FAX: (765) 494-0363
gross25@purdue.edu Extension Assist./P&PDL Lab Coordinator
Agricultural & Biological Engineering
Dept. Ext. Web Site: engineering.purdue.edu/ABE
Engel, Bernie (765) 494-1162 engelb@purdue.edu Head, Dept. of Ag. & Bio. Engineering
Frankenberger, Jane (765) 494-1194 frankenb@purdue.edu GIS and Water Quality
Kelley, Lyndon (269) 467-5511 kelleyl@msu.edu Irrigation Educator
Ileleji, Klein (765) 494-1198 ileleji@purdue.edu Post Harvest Grain Quality
Ni, Jiqin (875) 496-1733 jiqin@purdue.edu Manure Management
Weaver, Carol (765) 494-1174
FAX: (765) 496-1356
sikler@purdue.edu Extension Assistant


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Pest&Crop newsletter - Department of Entomology Purdue University 901 Mitch Daniels Blvd West Lafayette, IN 47907

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