New Purdue Spray Nozzle Publication

Purdue Pesticide Programs has just released its newest extension publication, “Agricultural Spray Nozzles: A Comprehensive Review” (PPP-153). The lead author, Fred Whitford, indicates that the science behind the designs, materials and capabilities of today’s nozzles is as impressive and complicated as are the chemistries being applied. This publication discusses the current state of spray nozzle technology as it relates to today’s pesticide applications. By better understanding the science, we hope this will enhance the nozzle selection process and optimal use to save applicators money and make the most effective application possible. Contributing authors include Rajeev Sinha, Corteva; Debora Latorre, TeeJet Technologies; Bryan Young, Purdue University; Erdal Ozkan, The Ohio State University; Stephen Pearson, TeeJet Technologies; and John Obermeyer, Purdue University. An online version can be found on the PPP website, click resources, PPP publications and PPP-153. Hard copies can be requested to Fred Whitord at at no cost by simply providing name and address.


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