Indiana Forage Council Hosts Inaugural Hoosier Hay Contest

The Indiana Forage Council (IFC), with assistance from Purdue Extension and SureTech Laboratories, is hosting a contest for Indiana producers who harvest forage for hay or baleage within the state for the 2021 hay season.

Objectives of the Hoosier Hay Contest are to promote forage production, inform hay producers on the nutritive value of their hay and encourage producers to sample and test their hay or baleage before feeding it to livestock.  It also creates a friendly competition amongst Indiana producers on who produces higher quality hay.

All samples will be analyzed by SureTech Laboratories in Indianapolis, Ind. and released only to the contest organizer, producer and producer’s local Purdue Extension agriculture and natural resources educator.

The Hoosier Hay contest has two categories, hay or baleage.  Prize money will go to first, second and third place entries in both categories. First place will receive $250 and a one-year membership to IFC; second place $150; and third place $100.

Winners will be recognized at the annual IFC meeting and the IFC website.  The cost to participate is $15 per sample with the contest being limited to 100 samples.

Rules and entry forms can be found at  For more information, contact Nick Minton at 812-279-4330 or and Jason Tower at 812-678-4427 or


Cut forage in windrows ready to be baled. (Photo Credit: Brooke Stefancik, Purdue Extension Educator, Sullivan County)

Cut forage in windrows ready to be baled. (Photo Credit: Brooke Stefancik, Purdue Extension Educator, Sullivan County)

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