Hemp Is In The Ground And Pests Are Flying Around

Growers around the state have begun to plant hemp. Both direct seeding and transplanting is taking place and will continue into June.

It’s important to remember hemp does not do well in flooded conditions and growers should avoid planting when heavy rains are in the immediate forecast. Growers should plant hemp after rain, not before. When there are wet conditions, the incidence of damping off increases.

Growers that are currently planting should be on the lookout for seedling diseases and pests. Flea beetles are active in the feral hemp populations and growers could expect to see some damage to their hemp. In addition to flea beetles, I also found my first Eurasian hemp borer for the season. The life history for this pest is murky, so expect to see lots of updates as I monitor populations throughout the summer.

Flea beetles and a Eurasian hemp borer found on feral hemp in Jasper County, May 27th.

Flea beetles and a Eurasian hemp borer found on feral hemp in Jasper County, May 27th.

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