Hay Harvest Equipment Maintenance Is Critical For Success

Are you prepared for hay harvest? It is hard to believe with the persistent cool spring temperatures, but cool-season grass and legume hay harvest will likely begin a month from now. Have you taken the time to make sure that your tractor, mower-conditioner, tedder, rake, baler, and bale wrapper are in good working order? In a recent “Forage Forum Friday” presentation, Purdue alumni and hay producers, Jeremy Sweeten and Dustin Johnson, discuss hay equipment maintenance. The presentation can be viewed at:


Take time next week, while soil conditions are too wet for row crop seeding, to find hay harvest equipment concerns and get parts ordered, so faulty parts can be replaced in timely fashion so harvest can occur when the forages are ready to be cut.

Finding worn parts on hay equipment and getting them replaced before hay harvest is an important task. (Photo Credit: Jeremy Sweeten)

Finding worn parts on hay equipment and getting them replaced before hay harvest is an important task. (Photo Credit: Jeremy Sweeten)

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