Grey Leaf Spot Samples Needed from Indiana

Dr. Christian Cruz is a new research professor with the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology. He is studying the dynamics of plant disease and epidemiology of crop diseases and in particular grey leaf spot and northern corn leaf blight in corn. His lab is looking to establish a collection of isolates of these two diseases from across the state for epidemiological work that could be the basis for developing strategies to manage GLS in the future.

If you have one or both of these diseases in your field and would like to assist Dr. Cruz, please send samples to the address below or contact him to have his technician or student to help collect and pick up the samples. When sending samples please send 4-5 leaves in dry paper bags or newspaper and include the following information.

Sampling information

Date of collection:




Handling and shipping: Please wrap the sample in dry paper bags or newspaper. Ship to Dr. Christian Cruz. Dept. of Botany and Plant Pathology, 915 W State St, West Lafayette, IN 47907

Please contact Dr. Cruz (765.494.1515 or Dr. Darcy Telenko (765.496.5168 if you have any further questions.


Example of Grey Leaf Spot

Figure 1. Grey leaf spot lesions on corn. (Photo Credit: Darcy Telenko)


Figure 2. Northern corn leaf blight – cigar shaped lesion on corn. (Photo Credit: Darcy Telenko)

Figure 2. Northern corn leaf blight – cigar shaped lesion on corn. (Photo Credit: Darcy Telenko)



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Pest&Crop newsletter - Department of Entomology Purdue University 901 Mitch Daniels Blvd West Lafayette, IN 47907

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