Forage Quality Contest Opportunity

Under-utilized forage management practices in the beef, small ruminant, and horse businesses are forage analysis and ration formulation based on the forage test. If these practices are done properly, they will result in correct livestock body condition, wellbeing, and improved profit.

The Indiana Forage Council organized the opportunity for hay producers to enter samples in the “Hoosier Hay Contest”. The deadline for hay and baleage sample submission is September 30. Forage quality results for the categories that a producer enters will be shared with them. Quality results will also be shared with all entrants in a specific category, but results of others will be anonymous.

Details about the “Hoosier Hay Contest” can be found at the Indiana Forage Council’s website (

Later in the fall, a hay quality seminar on “Forage Quality” will be offered. Details will be shared when known by Purdue Extension and the Indiana Forage Council.

hay probe

Use of a hay probe results in more accurate forage quality data as compared to sample collection by hand.

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Pest&Crop newsletter - Department of Entomology Purdue University 901 Mitch Daniels Blvd West Lafayette, IN 47907

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