Field Crop Disease Monitoring Resources For Indiana

I want to remind you of a few resources for monitoring field crop diseases here in Indiana as planting has begun to ramp up here in Indiana. Our team will be tracking diseases across Indiana and will add updates here in Pest & Crop and on the Purdue Field Crop Pathology Extension site. You can also follow me on Twitter @DTelenko

There are national field crop pathology programs in place to track and/or predict risk for some the more economically important diseases in the Unites States, such as Fusarium head blight in wheat; wheat stripe rust; southern rust of corn and tar spot; and soybean rust. The Crop Protection Network site hosts unbiased, collaborative outputs on important issues affecting field crops in the United States and Canada; this site has numerous resources and fungicide efficacy tables for corn, soybean, and wheat.

General resources for all field crops:

Purdue Field Crop Pathology Extension site:

Crop Protection Network:

Applied Research in Field Crop Pathology for Indiana – 2020

Applied Research in Field Crop Pathology for Indiana – 2019


Fusarium head blight risk map:

National wheat stripe rust tracking:

Figure 1. Maps of Fusarium head blight risk

Figure 1. Maps of Fusarium head blight risk.


Figure 2. Wheat strip rust tracking.

Figure 2. Wheat strip rust tracking.



National corn rust and tar spot tracking:

A new series on tar spot of corn:


National soybean rust tracking:


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Pest&Crop newsletter - Department of Entomology Purdue University 901 Mitch Daniels Blvd West Lafayette, IN 47907

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